Customer Portal enables preparers and taxpayers to securely share documents, including signature documents.
How Does the Taxpayer Share Documents?
1. The taxpayer must login to Customer Portal.
2. The taxpayer selects My Files.
3. The taxpayer selects Upload Documents.
4. The Upload Documents window appears.
5. The taxpayer can either drag and drop files for upload or click and select files to upload.
How Does the Preparer See Shared Documents?
Documents uploaded by the taxpayer will be visible in the Scanned Documents section of the return.
Scanned Documents can be accessed two ways:
1) From Client List, via the Tools drop-down menu.
2) Within the return, by selecting the taxpayer name drop-down menu in the top right.
Note: This is an article on using TaxSlayer software. It is not intended as tax advice. For additional information, refer to Additional Information below.
Additional Information
VITA/TCE KB How Does the Taxpayer Register for Customer Portal?
VITA/TCE KB Sending a Customer Portal Registration Link
VITA/TCE KB How Does the Preparer Share Signature Documents In Customer Portal?
VITA/TCE KB How Does the Taxpayer Sign Documents in Customer Portal?